
Sermons on the Passion of Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Originally preached during the Easter season, these 13 sermons by Martin Luther detail the arrest, trial, suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. Working through selected passages in the Synoptic gospels, Luther constructs a vivid passion narrative with his characteristic verve, precision, and spiritual intensity.

how could I censure my dear Lord Jesus? He trembles at the mount of Olives, and feels such anguish that His sweat is as it were great drops of blood; my sins, which He has taken upon Himself, and whose heavy burden He has borne, have brought Him to this. Therefore, I shall leave them there, and firmly hope that when I shall appear before God and His judgment, God shall find no sin in me. Not as though I were pious and had committed no sin, but that God Himself has taken away from me my iniquity and
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